Sunday, November 21, 2010

Give Vaccines

Givevaccines allows you to donate vaccines to people in third world countries. These free click donations are made by having you answer simple multiple choice answers.

An example of the questions you will be answering:

Beneath means:

1. Below.
2. Subtract.
3. Import.
4. Toss.

You would simply answer the question by clicking on the right choice.

For every 50 correct answers, one vaccine will be donated. I know it sounds like alot, but every question is as simple as the example and you will be able to answer each in under 5 seconds. Also, I should point out that you do not have to answer the questions by yourself. The clicks are counted and tallied across all of the daily users.

All funds raised are donated to the Gavi Campaign


(From's objectives are to:

"Increase awareness about vaccine preventable diseases
Bring about the realization that one person and one vaccine can make a difference and potentially save a life.
Empower people to be a part of the solution by participating in our interactive and educational tool."

So why not give the gift of life and click to give free vaccines.

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